Many people decide to invest in building their own home gym rather than subscribing to one that is already established. Not having to pay that money monthly is a big plus, but you have some setting up ahead of you if you want your own iron paradise.
The biggest consideration here is the equipment. You know the gym didn’t get all that stuff for free, right? Of course, your home gym can’t stock itself, so it’s time to get to work on putting all the pieces together. Before you waste your possibly hard-earned money, have a brief look at the information below.
How to Set up the Home Gym on a Budget
Cost is probably the biggest hurdle where a home gym is concerned. Why wouldn’t it be? If you had all the money in the world and you wanted a top-class gym, you could fly in all the world’s best equipment, couldn’t you?
It’s safe to say you don’t have that luxury, so you must work within your budget. Well, this is the time to lose whatever fascination you have with the word “new.” While it’s nice to be the first one to use something that’s synonymous with sweat, it isn’t always practical.
Your main target if you’re on a budget is to get the essentials you need in a used state. It’s the best way to cut costs. Try using Facebook groups or Craigslist listings for the best results.
How to Set up the Home Gym in Your Basement
A basement is a great place to set up your gym since it’s out of your way. Assuming it isn’t full of stuff you’re hoarding for no apparent reason, it’s a space you can probably afford to dedicate to your workout pursuits.
Also, nobody must see how empty it looks if you don’t have much in it since no one should be playing Dora and exploring your basement.
Consider getting at least one piece of cardio equipment, such as a stationary bike. Weight training tools are also a plus, so your barbells, dumbbells, kettlebells, and bench need to make an appearance.
If you can afford to, get yourself some square-shaped interlocking tiles. They are easy to install and prevent you from obliterating your floor.
How to Set up the Home Gym Outside
The first tip here is to use your backyard if you can. You may think nobody wants to steal workout equipment, but these burglars are more into fitness than you think. How else could they run from the police?
Next, opt for a covered space if that’s possible. Both you and your equipment have protection from the elements that way. You can also get synthetic grass if necessary, to provide ground cover.
Once the environment is prepared, you are left to populate it with equipment. Base this on the kind of workouts you plan to do. If you intend to do mostly bodyweight stuff, you can set up pull-up bars, monkey bars, push-up bars, resistance bands, etc.
For a more traditional workout, feel free to get yourself a bench or two, some barbells, a couple of dumbbells (preferably adjustable), a rack for squatting, a kettlebell. Feel free to branch out as time goes on.
What Equipment Is Needed for a Home Gym?
The answer to this question varies greatly depending on the workout regime you plan to go for. Of course, you want variation over time, but there are some generalizations that can be made. A strongman competitor doesn’t workout in the same manner as an endurance runner.
Be that as it may, there are several essentials that all audiences can appreciate. These are as follows:
- Cardio machine (treadmill, rowing machine, etc.)
- Kettlebells
- Dumbbells
- Bench
- Barbell
- Bar
- Rack
These can be used to work all your body parts as much as is needed. Ensure that the bench is adjustable, so it supports multiple workouts.
How Much Does a Home Gym Cost?
Now, you’re probably wondering how much a home gym costs. Is it cheaper than just getting a gym membership? What about all those YouTube videos with the $10,000 gyms?
This may surprise you, but you can get all your essentials for $1,000 – $2,000. There are phones and laptops in that price range, so isn’t it at least worth a shot?
What If I Have No Money?
So, you’ve checked your wallet, and the only thing in it is yesterday’s gum. You’ve checked your account, and you got devastated. It’s safe to say that you have no money. You’re out here running on empty. Can You build a home gym?
The short answer is yes. You can build a home gym; however, a more hands-on approach is required. Making gym equipment out of various materials is your best bet. You may need some instructions, but there are plenty of YouTube videos for you to enjoy.
How Much Space Do I Need for a Home Gym?
This is another of those questions that is on the subjective side. Think of it like getting a new car. If one family has seven members, and one has two, does it make sense for both families to get seven-seater vehicles? It doesn’t unless the two-member family likes the look of empty seats.
The amount of space you need for your home gym is dependent on how you plan to fill said space. So, while you may only have enough funds for a bench initially, what do you plan to have in the gym at the end of your equipment purchasing? Allow the answer to that to guide your decision.
Home Gym Mistakes
To wrap this all up, it’s time to review some common home gym mistakes. If you read this and make them then that’s on you:
- Not considering ceiling height
- Ignoring your budget
- Going through the trouble of setting up a home gym you barely use
- Terrible space utilization (no floor plan)
- Not buying equipment that fits your training style
Building a home gym doesn’t have to feel impossible if you go about it in a way that even remotely makes sense. Have a quick look at this video on some advantage of setting up your own home gym.